Wednesday, November 08, 2006

When I sit down to think about it, I wonder how he didn't just throw his hands up and move on, give up on me ( there's God up there!!). Me, with all my doubts, misgivings and what ifs. I had my share of reasons for dilly-dallying, but he didn't need to be sensitive to each one of them. Or maybe he did. Maybe he sensed the hope in me much before I did.

It's been a tough season. I've had to change a lot of my perceptions, take a lot of decisions and learn lessons of responsibility. Never would I have dreamt of what doing the balancing act could actually entail. Do I hurt my parents, or do I ignore what I really want? Do I even know what I really want? It's a blur, but it's over. It has a peaceful ending. And it's made me grow up and find myself. Finally. Whaddya know, I'm even proud of myself, all said and done. No one's threatening drastic action, my future's not full of this or that, it's this and that.

And for most of this, I have to thank the man I'm going to marry. This probably won't happen too many times, so pay attention....I need to give him some credit (note the use of the word 'some'). He's had faith in me, and stood by me all through the confusing times I was seeking answers. Even bullied me into his way of thinking (wink). He knows I'm always going to be the one with the doubts, but the deed is done now......... the wedding date is fixed and more importantly, my mind is set (God help anyone who doesn't do my bidding!!)

My support system of girlfriends can put themselves right up there in the vote of thanks. Who else listens to your crappy reasonings and self-piteous whining, and still says 'I'm so happy for you' and means it? Go girl power!

And last, but not the least..........
