Thursday, June 11, 2009

The long 'bump'y road :)

The dust bunnies on the blog are proof of how un-looked-after it has become. The poor dear. Fear not, I'm back with another post!

Last September, the date of my last post, most of this was just a dream. Nay, some of it did not exist even in my imagination. I could not begin to grasp the concepts I have increasing mastery and understanding of now - even to the point of obsession. And I love this learning journey as much as I am in awe of it. The teeny 10-odd incher inside kicks to let me know there's more to come, much more to marvel about.

A and I are at another turning point on our lives - we get to share it from now on with another person who's all ours. Though I doubt if s/he is going to be only ours - there's a host of very eager, thrilled people wanting a part of his/her life. :) We can't imagine the pillu's (tiny fellow's) life without all of them in it.

It's been just over 6 months now that a highly strung A and I took not one but two home tests, held with shaky fingers and read with a huge lot of skepticism. I remember wondering if I had held it wrong, read it upside down (?!) or with eyes all misty to get a false positive. And my uncertainty didn't help poor A any. I think it took us another 5 odd weeks, after seeing the grainy B&W images of a tiny moving human at our first ultrasound to finally quell all doubts that we were, in fact, pregnant.

We wanted to shout it from the rooftops and keep it to ourselves all at the same time. There's a slow, but certain, thrill that's crept into us as the weeks have progressed. I wonder if we've passed it on - infectious as we think it is - to the to-be uncles and aunts, grandmas and grandpas.

As we step into the last few months with Bump (as suggested by Uncle D), we know we have to get a lot done and plan a lot more. But for now, I'll let the jostling, poking, kicking and hiccuping in the bump govern my attention :)