Friday, November 11, 2005


My frequent absences from blogworld have been noticed by none it seems. Ah well. you should come to expect that when your posts start getting irrelevant comments from friends. Or worse, when friends use the comments section as a forum for personal discussion!! Ah the agony!

I have been upto a lot, though, in my defense of the un-updated blog. Made one of the most difficult moves in life. The 'About Me' section on this page should now read 'Pune, India', instead of Bournemouth. But I can't get myself out of the Bournemouth mode yet. Fourteen of the best months of my life yet are stored in that beach town whose name even, I could not pronounce right when I left (Bourne -MOUTH is wrong, dah-lings, repeat after me Bourne -muth, with the 'u' as in 'mud').

I crave that sense of freedom mixed with the burden of increased responsibility, I miss the weight of assignment deadlines, I long for the house moves and the ASDA shopping, I pine for the people who are now a part of my life forever.

I miss my cycle too..... and I miss listening to my Emmie while riding. I am getting nostalgic about the winter, and the short days and the Christmas decorations in house 30. I wonder how 403 is doing, and miss the quiet hum of the library. Heck, I even miss the annoying rain!

But most of all, I miss................ Onken's Rhubarb and Vanilla yogurt. Oh the sweet, creamy taste with rhubarb pieces, ah! the rich after-taste and my! the joy of knowing more was only an ASDA or Waitrose away. I guess you could add my craving for custard doughnuts and french butter brioche to this category. Not really the same though.

As you have already figured by now, there's so much more to that year, and I have hardly begun. I know life here moves on, and people there will move on too. But the joy of needling Sunshine, quibbling with Arun, taunting Vaibhav or challenging Albert is not part of the move. It's a treasure of a lifetime, but its also something you wish was an everyday reality rather than a past memory.


Arun said...

Nicely put. It speaks for itself. Funny how, the reverse (from India to Bournemouth) doesnt strike with the same clarity. Maybe independence and increased responsibility and having control of your own life with experiences forged by you has something to do with it.

"My frequent absences from blogworld have been noticed by none it seems. " How ignorant can one get!

Emm said...

i could have gone 'yay! new post!'- only the tone of this post doesnt justify any yay-ing.

and 'noticed by none'???!!! i hope you don't include me in the 'none', not after having asked you personally, and on phone, and on chat as to why there hasn't been a post in such a long time...

'sense of freedom mixed with the burden of increased responsibility'...having spent a decent amount of time away from home i totally ubderstand what you mean. the worst part of moving back in with the parents is perhaps all those irksome questions- where are you going? with whom? at this time? when will you be back? SO late?! you'll agree that it takes a huge amount of effort and patience to answer them.

i was selfishly hoping that your Secret Return to B'mouth wouldn't happen; but after reading your post i honestly hope you do make this trip... if for nothing else then for the sake of Onken's Rhubarb and Vanilla yogurt :)

AnshulJ said...

Oh Aarti, I never knew you were so sentimental about a retirement city with mostly sucky weather...

As for Bournemouth's pronounciation - whom were you correcting? All of us know how to pronounce it... Unless you're expecting a complete stranger to come across this blog.. in which case addressing the person as "dah-ling" seems a bit too strong...

I check. Once a month maybe. But I check.

Anonymous said...

hey bozo..enough yearning ok..update girl, update!! hehe