Saturday, June 09, 2007

Up, Up and Awaayyyyyyyy..........

I'm trying to get my head around the Blogger changes........ Started out with the older version (yes, it's been that long since I last posted something ;) ) and all that code. I was just about to announce my victory over the html code with a new header picture, when I realised I was just cutting my nose to spite my face. So I am all aboard the new blogger beta version and ready to make my life a teeny bit easier.

People are so innovative with their blogs - the presentation and the content - I feel like my poor little blog doesn't belong! But I am going to take toddler steps and change that. Await the improved look of this blog,ye readers!

Have been doing a lot of movie / TV show - watching lately (no thanks to my sci-fi / animation obsessed husband, AS). And though I am not a total convert to that genre of cinema/ television yet (gooey stuff, my sister calls it) , I must confess I quite enjoy it. So in come the Doctor Whos, Supernaturals, Pirates, Spidermans, Smallvilles, etc. AS has to pay dearly for this new liking though, because it implies a barrage of questions from me during the show/ movie. So we sat through the whole of Pirates with my endless - Who is this? Does she love him? Will he die? Why didnt they release Calypso? Who is Calypso?? Of course, my favourite question to him at any given time is - What will happen now?!? Like he knows every single story ever written/ filmed. But somehow, just because he watches them with such interest, I expect him to know. Add to that my plight of not understanding all the time-travelling and the sudden appearances of humans and aliens from the past and the future. (Add to the inexplicable urge to needle someone who is so completely involved in something :D)

I have always loved all stories with magic in them - right from the Grimm brothers' fairy tales and Vikram- Vetal to Harry Potter and Ghost Whisperer. Some might claim that stuff like Charmed is for girls - and why not, with a demon who looks like Cole - but I beg to differ. Those 3 witches might not be Charlie's Angels, but they sure can 'kick some demon ass'. Anyhoo, producers somehow seem to get yummy actors to play these superhero- type/ principal characters - L can sit through all of Smallville only for its Clark Kent, and another friend would not mind if all the characters in Pirates 3 were played by Johnny Depp. As for me, the only thing I can recall about Supernatural is one of the investigators - the elder of two brothers. Mmmmmm......

Of course, there's more to the shows/ movies than merely pretty faces. Some have superbly imaginative stories. I am currently loading up on Doctor Who. For anyone who liked Star Trek, this one is a surefire winner - if you haven't read the Doctor Who books already. I didn't quite understand the hoolabuloo around it esp here in the UK, but even the series is like a racy book you can't quite put down. And I've grown to love the Doctor (AS had a hard time convincing me not to hate David Tennant, the current Doctor, just for taking over from Christopher Eccleston, the actor who previously played Doctor Who. Now I love Tennant as the Doctor :D).

So, sweeties, go watch some Doctor Who. Once you get hooked, you won't blame your mother for going back to her Saas-Bahu night after night. And guys, you might want to think twice about initiating your girlfriend/ wife into the World Beyond - you might find her drooling over your Clark Kent instead of dreaming of you.


Anonymous said...

it was eons ago that i posted anything on blogger, comments even... i would love to check out the new blogger, but alas no access to anything remotely interesting from office :(

i am not too enthu abt superhero stuff, esp. in movies, esp. the gooey kind. i much prefer the comic books - spiderman, superman, he-man even. remember he-man, the blunt-cut blond master of the universe? i thot the whole thing was quite silly but i read it nonetheless.

in my case it was my bro who introduced me to this genre (in return i helped him discover the archie comics :P). thanks to him i ended up reading a whole lot of he-man, phantom-mandrake-flash gordon (these hunky guys were my favorite), the other indrajal comic un-supernatural heros - rip kirby, mike dont-rem-his-last-name (he was another hunky, soccer star like, but kind of dimwitted foolhardy type - his stories were amazing fun tho) - my bro had inherted a huge collection of indrajal comics from an older cousin. then thr were these WW II comics and a huge collection of dr. who's. dint i ever pass on any dr. who books to you when we were in college? i am mighty surprised if i dint... anyways, i totally dig dr. who. and whats those aliens thingits that he fights with? daleks right? ooh i would love to see the dr. who series. i have a very faint memory of watching something like a dr. who movie - was thr ever a dr. who movie? or maybe its just my very graphic imagination :D & i totally dig harry potter - even tho hubby and bro kid me that its meant for the kids. they prefer lord of the rings - my bro can give a raving-ranting sermon on the book/movies. but at the risk of sounding blasphemous, i have to say that i just dont get it - neither the book, nor the movies, nor the hullabaloo surrounding it..

as far as movies/ tv shows are concerned - wouldnt you say 'i dream of jeannie' was a supernatural show? no? i loved that series, bewitched too. me and bro got hooked to 'charmed' thx to you. 'smallville', a fav of bro, never did impress me much - i ridiculed him watching smallville in much the same way that i ridiculed him watching 'the gilmore girls' - those are so not the kind of shows i expected him to watch. i did like 'lost' tho, but its more of a thriller than a supernatural. right now i cant get enough of 'the heroes'.

also tho i dint think much of the movies when they were first released, i never miss them on cable - the spideman series, batman movies, x-men (i lurve wolverine), men in black, the pirates (i am not a huge johnny depp fan, but i will watch it again and again and yet again only for captain jack sparrow- is the latest one good? hvnt seen it yet) and harry potter too. one sci-fi movie that i really dont like watching is jurassic park - cant pin point the reason, but i just dont like the entire series. another really confusing movie is the matrix. ditto its sequels. i drove my bro nuts with my questions while watching the matrix triology. i saw a supernatural flick called 'constantine' (keanu reeves again) on cable recently - i thot that was quite interesting. a fun time-travel film series is 'back to the future'. but i think one of the best, must-watch time-travel movies is '12 monkeys' (bruce willis) - you must see it, if you already havent - its one of those rare sci-fi movies with hardly any special effects and a great plot.

with this very, very long comment you might actually think that i am in fact a sci-fi/supernatural movie fan - but can one really be a true fan if they hvnt ever seen any star wars movie or star trek? i havent. well but you know, i am a huge movie/tv fan in general - i can sped hours together in front of a screen - you already know that :)

nice post vee...stirred up a lot of good adolescent memories for me :) thx!


Tee said...

Hey Vee !
Good to see you back in action and what a way to be back!!! I totally get your situation... the scenario is similar in our house. I am constantly asking S as to what is happening, why it is happening and so on. He is the one who has introduced me to the world of Battlestar Gallactica, and Dr. Who (started liking this one now), and Star Wars! before this my interest in sci-fi things was next to nothing.and ghost whisperer is our favourite!
Emm, its a pleasant surprise to know that your bro likes gilmore girls. I love that serial!!! have you watched it? you should , its pretty addictive.
Well, its good to get back like this in blog world...see you soon!