Friday, September 09, 2005

Diary of Aarti, frank - I

Aug 26: Last post on blog, eternity till D-day.
Aug 26- Sept 2: Garbled rushed days of activity, pot noodles, machine tea and fortifying Lucozade.
Sept 2: Green Day. No, not St.Patrick's -II. More like St.Envious. 3 friends from other courses are done with their projects. B$£%% B(£$*£@
Sept 3 - 5: Frantic writing, morale boosting of self, day dreaming in slow motion with fuzzy pictures and dreamy music ...... I walk into the administrator's office with two gleaming copies of perfectly typed and bound research. And yet, ye Gods of yore are smiling down upon me.....I am on schedule!! Did you know that 18000 words can at the same time be too much and too little?
Sept 6: Formatting takes the life out of me......or at least about 16 hours of it!
Sept 7: B(l)inding rush.... shell out money for two shiny black copies with gold lettering to prove that I am indeed worthy post-graduate material. Almost there, can smell freedom and yet, taste's out of my hands now!
Sept 8: Restful bliss. Chat. Books and coffee at Borders and Starbucks. Pamper obsession for stationery.
Sept 9.....D Day: It's that fuzzy dream again.. only it's not a dream anymore. I am really walking into the administrator's office. I am really handing in two copies of three months' worth hard work, sweat (uhhhh, not really, in cool Bournemouth), dark-circled eyes, pasty skin, patchy sleep and a constantly uptight state of mind. And she really does give me a receipt that says ' Received on 9th Sept 2005, Masters Dissertation from Aarti Pande'.

Is it over, is it really over? Has one year really gone by, whizzed past, melted away? Why don't I feel like celebrating yet?


AnshulJ said...

I do not agree. Longer hair looks better. But thank you for letting your views on the matter be known. And I know why you've gone into a madly interesting and quite frantic update of your blog. Because you were doing your dissertation. Now that's it's over will you ever update it again? Staying tuned...

Emm said...

Yep, its been a year now, exactly one year in fact...since you left for Bournemouth, since M got married... time flies and how! Don’t we all bother about time only when it’s running out? But if the bad news is that time flies, the good news is that you are the pilot. Seems to me like it’s time to go all out and enjoy your last few days in the UK. Besides, your emancipation from D deserves a celebration of the highest order.

Congratulations RT!

Anonymous said...

A chronological listing of those herculean efforts working on the bastardly dissertaion. Ah but it isnt a bastard child, it is the fruit of your labor of (love??)emotions. Lets keep it generic shall we? lol. oh and this comment should have been posted a long time back. But knowing myself and my infrequently frequent lackadaisical writing habits, late is better than never. And I know for sure that you DID celebrate, contrary to the last line in the entry. lol