Monday, September 26, 2005


So I have a new gadget to play with. One that took a long-ish time in coming and has travelled some distance and nationalities to reach me. Super tech nation Japan sends me a Creative MuVo2 FM with citizen Hosomi (Sunshine). All those adjectives, as you might already have guessed are more for convincing myself that Creative is better than i-pod than a real belief.
I have christened the tiny sexy black-with-white-borders player 'Emmie', after its family name - MP3. (Also in honour of its atya - aunt - Urja).
Of course, it took me some time to figure out how to upload songs on it using the organiser provided by Creative - even after the struggle I ended up uploading them the traditional, time-tested way- "Cut-Copy-Paste". I am not THAT much of a techie yet, I guess. But who cares, the songs are there, the player is there and I can listen to digital music on the move! I can also pretend to be this cool, hip Asian chic (yes, i can hear the derisive laughter through my new Creative earphones) who is swaying to the latest jhankaar beats.
Any suggestions for good songs to upload are more than welcome and shall be carefully what if I have 5 gb worth of space, I don't want crowding around.
Ok, gotta go. Looking forward to the ride back home in Emmie's company!
p.s.: I would like to thank Rui, who has been the most amazing courier ever, my parents, friends, dog, cat, potted plant, cracked tile and Creative for believing me to be worthy of this Emmie. Love you guys (joyful sob escapes).


Anonymous said...

Quite creative. And the Creative "Emmie"(do you name everything? LOL) gives the right amount of emphasis. Anyways my player looks a lot cooler.hehehe

AnshulJ said...

Heck, you sound like you won an Emmy!

And buffoon.. you don't "Cut-Copy-Paste" files. I know it's an expression which sounds cool and a lot of people use it. It's either Copy/Paste or Cut/Paste.

5GB HA! My Xbox has more space than that! My Xbox is cooler than both your players and probably cost lesser.

- Xboxer

Emm said...

I am indeed honoured. But why 'aatya'? I mean 'maushi' would be more apt, don't you think? hmmm... :D

Vee said...

anshul - I know CCP is an expression and you only do one C...I did it, u know! That was an emphasis on the expression used by people. Also, my Emmie is sexier than ur X-box.
Urja- Maushi, not atya, i agree!

Emm said...

Xboxer? Is that like an ex-boxer? Like a has-been? :P

No offence meant Xboxer.

AnshulJ said...

Your emmiejaan - although I haven't seen it - is not black and beautiful like my Xbox. You are so ashamed of it you haven't posted one photo of it yet.. NOT ONE!

And it can't play Prince of Persia : Sands of Time. So cut the crap about your emmie being sexier otherwise I'll give you solid pasting.

As for emm.. erm.. umm.. mmm.. er.. an xboxer is a person who plays on the xbox. Otherwise I would have spelt it as EX boxer. And I don't/didn't box. Do you? I love women who can box...

Emm said...

Thanks for enlightening me Xboxer - I had absolutely no idea what that bit of jargon meant!

Boxing, xboxing or otherwise, is just not up my alley.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I didnt know blog entries on mp3 players garnered so many comments. Maybe I should write something on mine. And btw, my mp3 player is black and beautiful like your X-box and its way sexier and an mp3 player is portable and meant to play mp3 songs which can be entertaining in an extremely boring situation like at a bus stop(for example). Well now I can well imagine myself at a bus-stop with an X-box and a TV trying to play Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. The sands would flow and the bus sure wont stop for me to pack up my X-box and TV. Sorry dude, but this time I have to defend Aarti. :D

Try this link, anshul.Click
... When everything's available on the net... give her some time and she will post a pic. Meanwhile you can satisfy your curiousity using the link and its just a click away.

Anonymous said...

As an addendum to the previous comment- assuming the X-box and TV works on batteries, at the bus stop. Sorry for neglecting that.