Thursday, October 13, 2005

Of rain and electronics

What is wrong with the world? First it rains buckets in Maharashtra, late into the year, making Puneites ( and other Maharashtrians) wonder if the month of Shravan was 365 days long. Then there's Katrina in the US, and now, it's endless rain in Bournemouth. I can see some of you shake your heads, thinking the latter is not comparable to the first two, but to those who have seen a sunny day only once in the past 20 days, I think it would be of great consequence. Like yours truly.
A native (British citizen, if you prefer) commented to me that the mugginess in Bournemouth must remind me of Delhi. Now, two things - One, although largely patriotic, I do not quite jump for joy when people think all Indians must belong to either Delhi, Mumbai or Bangalore. Oh come on! Update your geography a little.... I mean, I knew of Luton, Bristol, Cornwall, Portsmouth, Stirling, etc. etc. apart from the glaring London, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dublin! Secondly, I want to say a big sarcastic HA! to that.... Delhi mugginess, or worse, Mumbai mugginess, is unimaginable to the Western layman, with due respect. It's like trying to explain snowfall to a Mumbaite, who has only ever experienced it inside an air-conditioned theatre when a scantily-clad woman prances about in the Swiss Alps. But we shall put my indignation on hold for a while to address other pressing matters.
I do some part-time work with the Additional Learning Needs department at the uni as a note-taker. I've had a great time doing it last year. I even sat through some lectures on Archaeology (and produced some good notes, mind you!). But those who have known me for the past half-decade or so will probably roll on the floor with laughter when I tell them about the subject I am taking notes for this year..... Electronics! Yes, you're allowed to laugh. It's the Revenge of the Sciences. I, who sprinted as far as possible from frequency, amplitude, analogue, digital, C++, etc. have to take notes for all these units. Poetic justice? You might be right. Don't get me wrong, these are all highly interesting subjects that I was good at (well, at least sometime!).
But jokes apart, it is very interesting going through all those concepts that I learnt ages ago, taught this time round by teachers who invest in making learning interesting (though I suspect I am in the only person in class who actually pays attention to all that is being said). What's even better is that since I am the only female presence in a congregation of just-about-voting-age boys, I get special consideration from the lecturers ('Good Morning, gentlemen... and lady'), which I don't hear myself complaining about ;). Go Electronics!!!


Emm said...

I see the rain gods are smiling benevolently (!) on Bournemouth :D I totally sympathise with you. The sun is shining nice and bright here. I have never been so ecstatic about October heat.

Oh, and good to see you back in blogsville. If only I knew it was the sciences that were keeping you busy, I wouldn't have wondered so much about your whereabouts :P

Anonymous said...

Talk about global climatic changes happening. Or for those conspiracy theorists, it could be an American ploy for total world domination. :D. Maybe its a top-secret climate control weapon. Its pouring here in Cochin, with occasional kit-kat breaks, not to mention the adverse side-effects of the rain, thunder and lightning, like power cuts, fluctuating net connections, wet roads with those whimsical puddles etc etc. CALL ME, IDIOT!

AnshulJ said...

Aunty, aunty..

What does partiotic mean? (2nd para, third line).

And if I had stayed in Bournemouth I would have gotten this job of taking notes for electronic students. So you must thank me for this opportunity I have given you.

Mention not.