Monday, August 15, 2005

What's in a name?

I am on my way to eternal virtual fame. In a very confidential deal, I negotiated the treble mention of my name in exchange for, well, the same. (no, I can't mention the name of the other party due to privacy laws in Jhumri Talayya. No, you can't get the name out of me even by force. No, seriously, don't do this. Ok, I can't take it anymore, it's Arun - see now, did that make a difference to your life?)
What will I achieve out of this, you might ask? Nothing really. It's a deal born in the most uninspiring and random circumstance. Scene - late evening, windy outside. Tons of D work at the uni. Looking for escape. Cycle home as fast as you can, gulp tea with a friend, sort out differences and as a parting shot, say, 'You must mention my name on your blog, if I agree to do the same'. The number 3 got caught in the mess, unfortunate prime number.

Most roads in India are made of tAR, UNlike the roads in the US, I hear. Such roads are not suitable for jogging, or even A RUN.
Je fais cette betisse cAR UN gars a lance un defi. (Excusez des fautes, s'il y'en a! Je les corrigerais aussitot que possible.)

This post thus owes its existence to Arun. Oh, a beside - you know Arun means 'the sun' don't you?
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my freedom from a smothering deal! HAHAHAHA (demonic laughter).


Anonymous said...

Quote of the (News)week
I won't be joining the great tradition of Mark Twain and Winston Churchill anytime soon, but allow me to share my own quote recently thrown into the world, courtesy of Newsweek.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a Direct TV Dish Antenna site. It pretty much covers Direct TV Dish Antenna related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Anonymous said...

i can imagine you grin like a Cheshire cat, esp. while doing the french betisse. ditto the demonic laughter.