Friday, August 26, 2005

Sounds of the night

Now before you start thinking this is a reflective piece about how in the dead silence of the night, only the rustling of leaves, the buzz of the crickets, the faint bark of a distant dog, the whirring of your brain and the beating of your own heart can be're just a little far from the truth. I would love to write about all those things, but there is this one sound that is currently dominating my senses. It's been suggested that I call it 'Snore Rock'.

It's really wondrous, this whole phenomenon of snoring. It's probably the only generous thing humans do--they don't want any bit of the mayhem their rhythmic snoring causes, no siree! It's all for the snoree to partake. And woe is you if you are a light sleeper!

Now what is really amazing about all snorers that I have known, is that at they sleep through the thundrous noises that they themselves make, but are likely to wake up instantly at the slightest creak a floorboard might make. And they are all incredibly self-aware - when you toss and turn trying to block out the rumbling noises, they will wake up with a start and say, 'What's the matter? Can't you sleep? Oh.. Was I snoring again?' No, sweetheart, that was just me practising some of the latest Shaimak Davar dance sequence -Aao Twist Karen (The Twist). Some have the decency of sounding sheepish when they ask that last question - small mercies!

I had a friend who is an advanced, experienced snorer, in that before he goes to sleep he instructs those around him for their well-being. He has a list of remedies that you can resort to if he snores (Ha! IF !!!). 'Call out my name, I am sure to stop', 'Just tap me on my shoulder once', 'Call my name and shake me a bit', 'Roll me over on my side' (now that is truly considerate of him). We added one more by experience - FLEE !

What is making me write this, in the wee hours of the morn? I am doing some brain work - D, and serving as a background for the tapping of keys and the hum of computers is.... not hard to guess... deep snoring! My friend (identity kept secret for obvious reasons) is in the land of dreams, in technicolor...with accompanying music. While I have been driven to my blog for recourse. (Actually, I have to thank him for keeping me awake so I can do my work!) Sshhhhh, I can hear him stir.... I can almost hear him ask me as soon his eyes fly open 'Oh, was I snoring?'


preeti said...

Hey have linked you on my page. Hope that's ok.

Cthu1hu said...

Hi there. I snore too, sorry to say, and it's true - razor-sharp awareness to the slightest noises. Amplified, I think, since becoming a dad (I can hear my baby girl crying about a suburb away...)

What's your dissertation in? Or is that on?

Vee said...

Hi Technohorror (I don't know ur name!) Hope your daughter's doing well, and hope ur getting longer blocks of sleep now!
My dissertation, since you insist on being tortured with the details, is on Branded Entertainment on television. Don't ask me anything else, I think the research has had an adverse effect -I have no idea what that topic means anymore!

Emm said...

Hey Aarti, done with D yet?